This is the statement of the Bible doctrine as believed, practiced and taught by the Christ Holy Church International a.k.a Nation Builders.

1. We believe in one God, who exists eternally and co-equally in three persons (Father, son, and Holy); the creator and sustainer of the seen and unseen; the one who is all-powerful, perfect in love, judgement, grace and mercy.

2. We believe in all the sixty-six books canonized in the Holy scriptures as divinely inspired, the word of God and the final authority in all matters of doctrines and practices.

3.  We believe in the total depravity of human nature as a result of the original sin of our first parents, and the inability of human beings to find favour through any means except being saved by grace through faith in the lordship and the finished work of Jesus Christ.

4.  We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ who was incarnated through the virgin birth, lived a true human life, died in place of humanity by taking upon himself the sin of the world, though sinless, was buried but rose bodily from the grave on the third day, ascended physically to sit at the right hand of the father where he is our High priest, interceding  for us.

5.  We believe in God the Holy Spirit, our Teacher and Counselor who regenerates us, enables us, empowers us and equips us for effective ministry and holy living. We also believe the Holy Spirit baptizes believers in Christ with signs and wonders following.

6.  We believe in sanctification of all believers in Jesus Christ  and the need to live like Jesus Christ.

7.  We believe in the church as one holy, universal and apostolic, a congregation of both triumphant and militant believers of Jesus Christ who worship and regard him as their Head, and support the spread of His ministry with their substance and tithing.

8.  We believe in the sacrament of baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the holy matrimony and the partaking of the lord’s supper by believers of Jesus Christ who have adequately examined and prepared themselves to dine with their Lord and Savior, name that is above every name.

9.  We believe in the healing of physical and spiritual diseases, and the reality of miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.

10.  We believe in the sufficiency of God the Jehovah-Jireh who supplies all needs, both known and unknown, of his faithful children who worship Him in faith, obedience and contentment.

11. We believe in the physical, personal, unexpected, sudden and glorious second coming of Jesus Christ which will result in the bodily resurrection, final  judgment, eternal reward and punishment of all persons (as the case may be) the final defeat of satan and the establishment of the new heaven and the new earth.
